3, Dec 2022
What does the Bible tell us Will Happen in End Times?
The Bible tells us that there will be a great battle between the forces of good and evil. The Antichrist will lead the forces of evil, and Jesus will lead the forces of good. In the end, Jesus will triumph and the world will be saved.So what can we expect in the end times? The Bible tells us that there will be great tribulation, but also great hope. We can expect to see
The Bible is full of predictions about the end of the world. While some people take these predictions literally, others interpret them symbolically. Either way, the Bible tells us a lot about what will happen in the end times.In the book of Revelation, we read about the seven seals that will be opened, the seven trumpets that will sound, and the seven bowls of God’s wrath. We also learn about the Antichrist, the Beast, and the False Prophet. These are all signs of the end times.
1. Rapture
The Bible tells us a lot about what will happen in the end times, including the rapture. This event will happen when Jesus returns to earth to take all believers with him to heaven. This will be a time of great joy for all who have been faithful to God.The Bible tells us that there will be a great tribulation on earth and that many will be persecuted for their faith. But those who are faithful to Jesus will be rewarded with eternal life in His presence.
2. Tribulation
The Bible is very clear about what will happen in the end times. There will be a time of great tribulation, and God’s people will be persecuted. But God will protect them, and He will ultimately triumph over evil.As Christians, we are often asked about our beliefs concerning the end times. Many people want to know what the Bible tells us will happen during the tribulation. While there are many different interpretations of the end times in the bible prophecy, there are some common themes that are found throughout the Bible.
3.Second Coming
Christians believe that the Second Coming of Christ will be a time of great upheaval, when Christ will return to earth to judge the living and the dead. The Bible tells us that there will be signs preceding Christ’s return, and that believers will be raptured up to meet Christ in the air. Christ’s return will be a time of great judgment, when the wicked will be cast into eternal punishment and the righteous will be given eternal life.
4. Eternal Life
The Bible tells us a lot about what will happen in end times. One thing that is clear is that those who have accepted Jesus as their savior will receive eternal life. This life will be spent in heaven with God. There are many theories about what else will happen in end times, but one thing is for sure, those who have chosen to follow Jesus will be with him forever.
The Bible is very clear about what will happen in the end times. Jesus Christ will return to earth and defeat Satan and his forces. Those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior will be with Him forever in heaven. However, those who have rejected Jesus will be condemned to hell for eternity. The Bible also tells us that there will be a final judgment in which all people will be judged according to their deeds.
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- By Usman Raza

1, Dec 2022
What did Jesus say about Persecution?
The teachings of Jesus Christ are often seen as a source of hope, comfort, and peace in times of hardship and suffering. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks often of persecution and the trials we are likely to face on our journey of faith. In this blog post, we will explore some of Jesus’ words on persecution and the importance of enduring it in the name of the Lord. We will also look into the various ways Jesus suggests we should act in the face of persecution.
This post is meant to serve as a source of encouragement and guidance for those who are facing persecution in their lives. God’s Word speaks to these issues and brings us closer to Him and each other. Jesus’ words are a reminder to never give up on our faith and to continue striving to live as a true disciple of Christ.
1. Jesus Warned Believers about Suffering for His Name
Jesus was very clear with his followers that they would face suffering and persecution because of their belief in Him. In Luke 21:12-19 He warned them that they would be arrested, persecuted, and even put to death for their testimony. He warned that these trials would come from the Jews, the Gentiles, and the rulers of the land. He encouraged them to remain strong and not give in to the pressure, but to remain steadfast in their faith. Jesus also promised that they would be rewarded for their faithfulness in the end. He promised that they would be protected by God and would be given the strength to endure even the most brutal of sufferings.
2. Jesus Commanded His Followers to Love their Enemies
Jesus commanded His followers to love their enemies, even if they are actively persecuting them. This was an incredibly difficult command, but one that was essential to Jesus’ message and His example. In Matthew 5:44, Jesus says, “But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Jesus was teaching that His followers should not return evil for evil, but instead they should actively love those who oppose them. This is true even in the face of persecution.
3. Jesus Promised Reward for Bearing Persecution
One of the primary teachings of Jesus was that those who bear persecution with patience and faith will be rewarded. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10). He also said, “Whoever endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:13). Clearly, Jesus was teaching that those who suffer for their faith will be rewarded in the end. This teaching applies to anyone who is persecuted for any reason, including religious persecution. Jesus’s promise of reward for bearing persecution gives hope to those who are suffering. It also speaks to the power of faith and resilience in the face of adversity.
4. Jesus said Persecution can be an Opportunity for Witness
In the New Testament, Jesus addressed the issue of persecution on several occasions, warning his disciples that they would encounter it. In Matthew 5:11-12, he said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Jesus was teaching his followers that even though it will be difficult to be persecuted, it can be an opportunity to share the gospel with others and bring glory to God. With grace and courage, those who are persecuted can use the opportunity to witness to others and show them the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.
5. Jesus taught Perseverance in Persecution and Endurance of Suffering
Jesus taught that persecution and suffering were inevitable for those who follow Him, yet they should not be feared. In His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:10-12), Jesus said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Jesus equated suffering for righteousness as a blessing, as it was a sign that one was following Him and would ultimately be rewarded in heaven. Jesus also taught perseverance in the face of persecution and suffering. He said, “Behold, I have told you these things beforehand so that when they come to pass, you may not be stumbled.” (Matthew 24:25). He wanted His followers to be prepared for the times of persecution they might face, so they could endure and remain faithful.
In conclusion, Jesus was clear about the reality of persecution for those who choose to follow him. He comforted his disciples and promised that all who are persecuted for his name’s sake, will be rewarded in heaven. He reminded them that they were not alone, and that God was with them. He promised that, while they would suffer in this world, they would be rewarded in the world to come. Jesus’ words of comfort and assurance are still relevant today and give us the strength to persevere in the face of persecution.

28, Oct 2022
How can I have a Closer Relationship with God?
If you feel like you are struggling to have a close relationship with God, you are not alone. It can be difficult to find time to focus on your relationship with God when you have other obligations and distractions in your life. However, there are some things that you can do to help you have a closer relationship with God.Spend time in prayer. Prayer is a great way to talk to God and to express your thoughts and feelings.
You can pray anywhere and at any time.Read the Bible. The Bible is a great source of wisdom and guidance. It can help you to understand God’s will for your life.The relationship that you have with God is the most important relationship in your life. It’s a relationship that you have to work at and nurture. Below are ways that you can have a closer relationship with God.
When it comes to having a closer relationship with God, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, there are some basic principles that can help us all move closer to God. First, we need to be willing to take the time to get to know God.
This means spending time in prayer and meditation, reading His Word, and spending time in worship and service. Second, we need to surrender our lives to God. This means giving up our own agenda and desires, and submitting to His will for our lives. Third, we need to be obedient to God. This means following His commands and living a life that is pleasing to Him. By following these basic principles, we can all move closer to God and experience His presence in our lives.
1. Pray Everyday.
When it comes to having a closer relationship with God, prayer is essential. Prayer is how we communicate with God and let him know what is going on in our lives. It is also how we ask for guidance and wisdom.Prayer should be a part of our daily routine, just like brushing our teeth or eating breakfast. We should make time for it every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. Just talk to God like you would talk to a friend.If you are not sure how to pray, that’s okay. There are no rules. Just start talking to God and he will listen. He loves you and wants to hear from you. So don’t be afraid to start a conversation with him today.
When it comes to having a closer relationship with God, there is no magic formula. However, one of the best things you can do is to pray every day. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours on your knees; even a few minutes of honest, heartfelt prayer can make a big difference.Prayer is simply talking to God. You can pour out your heart to Him, tell Him your joys and concerns, and thank Him for His blessings. As you pray regularly, you will find that your relationship with God will grow deeper and stronger.
2. Read the Bible Every day.
If you want to have a closer relationship with God, one of the best things you can do is read the Bible every day. It might seem like a simple thing, but regularly reading Scripture is a great way to grow closer to God. It allows you to hear from God and learn more about who He is. It also gives you a chance to apply what you read to your own life.The Bible is God’s Word. It is His love letter to us. In it, He tells us who He is, what He has done for us, and how much He loves us. It is also our guidebook for life. Every day, we should read it, study it, and apply it to our lives. When we do this, we will have a closer relationship with God.
If you want to have a closer relationship with God, one of the best things you can do is to read the Bible every day. It may seem like a simple act, but it’s one that can make a big difference in your relationship with God.When you read the Bible, you’re spending time with God. You’re getting to know Him and His will for your life. You’re also growing in your faith. As you read, you’ll encounter new truths that will challenge and stretch you. All of this will help you to develop a deeper relationship with God.Of course, reading the Bible isn’t the only way to grow closer to God. But it is a great place to start. So if you want to have a closer relationship with God, make a commitment to read the Bible every day.
3. Be Thankful.
When it comes to having a closer relationship with God, one of the best things you can do is to simply be thankful. Thankfulness is a powerful tool that can help to transform your heart and mind, drawing you closer to God in the process.Make a list of things you’re thankful for.
Each day, take a few moments to write down a few things you’re thankful for. This could be anything from the big things in life like your health and your family, to the small things like a sunny day or a good cup of coffee. Pray with thankfulness. As you pray, take a moment to thank God for all the good things in your life. Thank him for his love, his care, and his provision. Serve others with a thankful heart. As you serve.
It is often said that the best way to have a closer relationship with God is to be thankful. But what does that mean, exactly. How can being thankful help us to feel closer to God.
There are many ways to show thankfulness. One way is to express our gratitude to God for the good things in our lives. Another way is to be thankful for the difficult times we face, knowing that they can help us to grow closer to God.We can also be thankful by living our lives in a way that pleases God. This means doing things like obeying His commands, studying His Word, and spending time in prayer. When we do these things, we are showing God that we want to be close to Him.

27, Jul 2022
Who Are the Most Popular Crime Thriller Authors?
The crime thriller genre has one of the longest and most complex histories of any fiction genre in the literary world. It dates back to the late 19th century and continues to develop into the present day. The list of popular crime thriller authors is extensive with many names immediately recognizable to even casual readers. However, some authors stand out from their peers. And these writers tend to rise to the top of every most popular list in this genre, no matter what criteria you use to rank them.
Agatha Christie
Christie is one of the most popular and well-known authors in the crime thriller genre. She is known for her novels, And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express, and her short story collections. Christie’s work often features puzzle-like plots and clever twists, making her a favorite among mystery fans. Agatha was born into an affluent family and grew up with mostly women because she had four older brothers. After finishing school, she received no formal education but took various jobs in management, arts and social sciences. She was an avid reader from an early age who always dreamed about writing books. Her first book was published in 1920 when she was 51 years old; it became one of the best-selling books ever written by a female author.
David Baldacci
Baldacci is a prolific writer with more than 30 novels to his name. His books have sold over 110 million copies worldwide, and he has been translated into 45 languages. He’s a popular choice for readers who want a fast-paced, action-packed read. Because David Baldacci has written so many suspense novels, both in series and as stand alone, it might be difficult to decide where to begin reading his work. There isn’t a Baldacci novel you can’t like if you’re looking for a decent thriller or suspense read. The Innocent (2013) was adapted into a television series on CBS starring David Lyons as Sean King. Other popular works by Baldacci include Memory Man and The Camel Club.
Gillian Flynn
Gillian Flynn is one of the most popular crime thriller authors of all time. She is best known for her novel, Gone Girl, published in 2012. Gone Girl was a New York Times Bestseller and has been adapted into a major motion picture starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. Flynn’s other novels include Sharp Objects, Dark Places and The Grownup. All three books have been on The New York Times Best-seller list and Amazon’s Best-sellers list.
James Patterson
An American author and philanthropist, James Patterson is largely known for his suspenseful crime thrillers. He has written over 150 novels, many of which have been adapted into films and television shows. Patterson’s work often features recurring characters like Alex Cross and Michael Bennett. Other books by Patterson include Women’s Murder Club and Maximum Ride. His books have sold more than 300 million copies worldwide, making him one of the best-selling authors of all time.
Dan Brown
Dan Brown is the author of The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. His books are a mixture of fiction. He is widely known for his unique writing style that blends codes, puzzles, history, art, religion and current events to tell an intricate story. One thing he has in common with other crime thriller authors is his ability to weave different elements into one cohesive plot line.
Val McDermid
She is a Scottish crime writer, best known for her Tony Hill/Carol Jordan series and several stand alone novels, all of which have been adapted for television. She has won many awards, including the Gold Dagger and the Edgar. In 2009, she was inducted into the ITV3 Crime Thriller Awards Hall of Fame. She studied law at the University of Glasgow, gaining an LLB in 1982 and a Ph.D. in 1985. Her thesis on artificial intelligence became her first novel: The Mermaids Singing (1994).
Dorothy L. Sayers
Sayers is one of the most popular crime thriller authors of all time. Born in England in 1893, she was educated at Oxford University and worked as a copywriter before turning to writing full-time. Sayers is best known for her series of mysteries featuring amateur sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey. The first book in the series Whose Body? was published in 1923. Another famous work by Sayers is Murder Must Advertise (1933), a novel that deals with the advertising industry in London during the early 1930s. The number of books that Dorothy L. Sayers wrote varies depending on how you count them. Still, it’s generally agreed that there are around 56 novels and numerous short stories, including translations into French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Karin Slaughter
Karin Slaughter has written 12 books. Her most popular book is Beyond Reach. She wrote it in 2006 and published it in 2007. The third book in her Georgia series, Indelible, was released in 2008. She also has two stand alone novels: Blindsighted and Kisscut.
Stieg Larsson
Stieg Larsson is considered one of the most popular crime thriller authors. He wrote three novels in his trilogy, starting with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Larsson died before he could finish his third novel, which David Lagercrantz then completed. His first two books have been translated into English, and more than 60 million copies have been sold worldwide.
Harlan Coben
American author Harlan Coben is one of the most popular crime thriller authors today. His novels are known for their complex plot twists and interesting characters. Coben has won numerous awards for his writing; his books have been translated into over 40 languages. If you’re looking for a fast-paced, suspenseful read, you should check out one of Coben’s novels.
Patricia Cornwell
Best known for her character Dr. Kay Scarpetta, Patricia Cornwell is a popular crime thriller author. She has written over 30 books, many of which have been best-sellers. Her work often features medical examiner Scarpetta as she solves crimes. Cornwell’s books have been translated into over 36 languages and have sold over 100 million copies worldwide. She was awarded The 2003 Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America, who noted that Patricia Cornwell is one of those unique authors who have successfully straddled different genres – mystery, suspense, true crime and even literary fiction.
As well as novels, she also writes children’s books such as Postmortem: An Amanda Cross Mystery (2001), which received two awards – an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers Association of America and an Anthony Award from The American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Closing Thoughts
With hundreds of crime thriller authors, knowing who’s worth your time and who isn’t is a bit tricky. But this list of the most popular crime thriller authors can help you decide where to start reading. Whether you prefer an author with great dialogue or one who crafts intriguing plot twists, there’s something for you. While the mystery genre was popularized by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, modern authors like Jeffery Deaver, John Grisham, and Jodi Picoult have made their names in crime thrillers. Other popular crime fiction authors include Greg Iles, Lisa Gardner, and Michael Connelly.